Jul 15, 2010

Discount on LT Dues until July 31st!


Don't Miss Your Chance to Receive a 10% Discount
on Leadership Tulsa Membership Dues!
Available until July 31, 2010!
If you have been out of the loop for a while, there's never been a better time to get re-involved! We offer more programs, workshops, events, luncheons and social networking options than ever before!  Our goal is to keep you informed on the latest issues facing our community, provide information on how to get involved, and offer a variety of networking opportunities with classmates and other community-minded individuals.  Please visit our website at www.leadershiptulsa.org to see what's new at Leadership Tulsa! 
Renew your membership by July 31st and you will receive a 10% discount!  We also now have a special rate for Senior Leaders.  Please review the attached chart for information on the various dues levels and their associated benefits.  As you can see, this year's membership drive is shaping up to be one of our most successful yet; just two weeks into our fiscal year and we are already half-way to our goal! But we need your support to help us reach the top. 
To pay your dues, simply mail your check to:  Leadership Tulsa, 1717 S. Boulder Ave., Suite 104, Tulsa, OK  74119; Call the LT office at 477-7079 with your credit card information; or Pay online.
Thank you in advance for your support and we hope to see you soon!

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