Dec 18, 2009

Holiday Party was Great Fun for Good Cause

2009 Holiday Party Pictures!

This year's Holiday Party was another success!  We had almost 250 people in attendance this year.  It was a perfect night; no snow or ice and the weather was a chilly 28 degrees, with clear skies!  The see pictures from the party click here

This year's charitable beneficiary was Meals on Wheels.  THANK YOU to all those who brought canned food items for the "Blizzard Bags".  You all brought enough items to fill nearly 200 bags! 

Above is part of the 2009 Membership Committee.  Pictured left to right:  Dawn Melton, Tracie Leonhart, Stacie Wilson, Kent Inouye, Lori Sears, Julian Brewer, Mickie Bingham, Val Fimbres and the committee VP, Nichole Trantham.  Not pictured are: Carolyn Stewart, Paula Huck and Renee Jacobs.  Way to go Membership Committee, for a job well done! 

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