Oct 1, 2009

Leadership Tulsa newsletter!

Keep up to date on all the happenings at Leadership Tulsa by visiting our website at www.leadershiptulsa.org.  All the news is updated weekly and sometimes even daily.  Here are a few highlights!


  • The Critical Skills Advantage Program - This newly redesigned program offers valuable insight on key leadership techniques from some of Tulsa's most successful leaders.  Three afternoon sessions will be held at the Tulsa Technology Center Lemley Campus on October 28, November 4 and November 11.  Speakers include Howard Barnett, David Rutkauskas, Larry Wofford, Malcolm McCollam, Colonel Anthony Funkhouser and Wendy Thomas.  See attached agenda for details on topics covered at each session.  Participants will receive a bibliography of the speakers' favorite management and leadership books, as well as the chance to win copies as door prizes.  To sign up for the program or for more information please call 918 -477-7079 or visit www.leadershiptulsa.org.
  • Leadership Luncheon, October 16 – Exciting things are happening in the Brady Arts District.  A satellite museum run by Philbrook Museum will help anchor the new development.  Philbrook's Executive Director, Rand Suffolk, will update us on this new initiative.  This luncheon will be held in the Williams Conference Room at Philbrook Museum.  It will start at 11:30 and conclude by 1:00. Reservations are required.  The cost is $20 for dues paying members and $25 for non dues paying members.  Payment can be made online or at the door.  Please call 477-7079 or email nancy@leadershiptulsa.org.
  • The Deadline for LT Class 43 is Fast Approaching!  Applications for LT 43 must be postmarked by the U.S. Post Office by October 16, 2009.  If you know of someone who has a genuine interest in getting more involved in the Tulsa community, please encourage them to apply.  Applications are available on our website, by emailing nancy@leadershiptulsa.org, or by calling 477-7079.


  • Congratulations to members of LT Class 41!  Members of LT 41 will be officially inducted into the LT family on October 20th!  It's been a great year and we look forward to seeing them at many of our LT functions.


  • The Rotary Club's Mayoral Debate - The Downtown Rotary Club of Tulsa cordially invites all Leadership Tulsa members to the mayoral debate between Tom Adelson and Dewey Bartlett on October 14th from 11:30 to 1:00 pm.  The event will be hosted by John O'Conner.  Mr. O'Conner will ask each candidate the same question and allow the candidates equal time to respond.  The event will be held at the First United Methodist Church, 1115 S. Boulder, Tulsa at 12:00 (noon).  We suggest arriving between 11:30 and 11:45 to allow plenty of time to park and find a seat.  Lunch will be served during the Mayoral Debate.  The event is free to Leadership Tulsa Members.  Please RSVP to attend at drew.casper@wellsfargoadvisors.com or Brenda.Melancon@mail.secureagent.com.


As always, share your news with us, so we can share it with the Leadership Tulsa network!


Hope to see you soon!

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