Jul 1, 2009

News from Leadership Tulsa!

Keep up to date on all the happenings at Leadership Tulsa by visiting our website at www.leadershiptulsa.org.  All the news is updated weekly and sometimes even daily.  Here are a few highlights!


  • Leadership Luncheon, July 17 (11:30AM-1:00PM) - Cathy Criswell of the City of Tulsa will update Leadership Tulsa members on the impact of recent government economic stimulus funds on the City of Tulsa.  The luncheon will be held at OSU-Tulsa, North Hall - Room 140.  Reservations are limited to the first 40 who sign up.  The cost is $20 for dues paying members and $25 for non dues paying members.  Payment can be made online or at the door.  Please call 477-7079 or email nancy@leadershiptulsa.org to make your reservation.


  • Renew your Leadership Tulsa Membership Today!  It is the beginning of a new fiscal year for Leadership Tulsa and membership renewals are now due.  We are offering a special 10% discount to all members who pay dues before July 31!  Check the benefits associated with each dues level, decide which level best suits your needs and then pay before July 31st to receive your discount!  You can pay online, mail in a check, or call us at 477-7079 with your credit card information.  Your support enables Leadership Tulsa to continue providing top quality programs and events.


  • Leadership Tulsa has entered the "RSSfeedLinkedInBlogTwitter" Zone!  Social networking is here and you now have the opportunity to get your LT news updates in a number of different ways.  Just go to www.leadershiptulsa.org and check out the home page for your networking options.


  • Now Accepting Nominations for LT Class 43!  Although we have just selected LT Class 42, we will soon be looking for candidates for LT Class 43, which will begin in January of 2010.  If you know of someone who has a genuine interest in serving the Tulsa community, please let us know.  Nomination Forms are now available.


  • For more details on what's happening at LT, don't miss the July Newsletter!


As always, share your news with us, so we can share it with the Leadership Tulsa network!


Hope to see you soon!


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