Jun 22, 2009

Tulsa Area Independent Business Association

Our Leadership Lunch last week featured a start up organization, the Tulsa Area Independent Business Association. TAIBA is a non-profit organization of locally owned and operated independent businesses that have joined together to promote the cultural and economic benefits of shopping locally. They are modeled after similar programs nationwide, and are particularly looking to an organization in the city of Austin. Austin found statistics that said that for every $100 spent at a chain store only $14 stays in the local community, but for every $100 spent at a locally owned store, $45 stays in the community. For purposes of their new organization, TAIBA is defining locally owned independent businesses as 1) private ownership, 2) majority of owners live within 40 mile radius of Tulsa 3) full decision making function for the business lies with its owners, and 4) no more than 6 outlets with basis of operation within Tulsa metro area. As a start-up however, they are still in the process of further defining their organization goals, programs and membership requirements. They are looking for board members as well as new members of the organization. For more information www.buylocaltulsa.com or email buylocaltulsa@gmail.com

Also in attendance at the event was a representative of the Tulsa Chamber's "Let's do Business" program whose goal is to bring 5% of out-of-area business spending back home. The chamber states that the Tulsa region loses approximately $29 million a day to out-of-area purchases. "Let's do Business" focuses more on business to business purchases where TAIBA is trying to impact consumer/retail decision making. For more information about the chamber program go to www.letsdobusinesstulsa.com.

The economic vitality of Tulsa is hugely dependent on the success of small business. Both these organizations are to be commended for the work they are doing to highlight the advantages of shopping at home. What are your favorite local independent businesses?

1 comment:

  1. This was a great and timely program. Thanks to LT for bringing it to the forefront.I wish more people could have heard about this new group. Make sure to at least visit the Web site to get more info.
