Apr 27, 2010

Info Session Set for NTDC leadership program

Applications are now being sought for Class 2 of the North Tulsa Development Council leadership program.   We will be hosting a free informational session for prospective NTDC applicants on Monday May 10, at 10 am at the Greenwood Cultural Center, 322 North Greenwood. Please email names for prospective applicants to nancy@leadershiptulsa.org or call 477-7079 to make reservations for the session.  There is a $150 fee to participate in the NTDC program and applications are due by June 15, 2010.  More information is available at www.leadershiptulsa.org.

Apr 13, 2010

Agreement Reached by LT and NTDC for north Tulsa leadership program

Leadership Tulsa and the North Tulsa Development Council (NTDC) are proud to announce an agreement to bring the successful north Tulsa leadership development program under Leadership Tulsa's umbrella.

Wendy Thomas, Executive Director of Leadership Tulsa explains, "This effort was made in recognition of the two organizations' complementary strengths and resources, their shared commitment to the economic prosperity of Tulsa as a whole and the north Tulsa community specifically, as well as to ensure maximum sustainability for the new program."  

The North Tulsa Development Council is a result of the nTEDI four-month pilot leadership program created by Mayor Kathy Taylor in 2007.  Following the inaugural academy, six leadership participants, as part of their class project, pledged to continue the leadership development program and The North Tulsa Development Council was born.  Utilizing volunteer resources and a minimal budget these dedicated Tulsans successfully implemented NTDC Class 1 during the 2009-2010 year. 

Thamara Barthelus, chairman of the NTDC noted, "Our first full program year was a tremendous success and a learning opportunity for all of us.  We are looking forward to continuing that tradition.  We will be maintaining the same mission and vision, but with the additional help of Leadership Tulsa's significant organizational resources."

Recognizing that the continuation of the program would require dedicated funding, a 501c3 tax-exempt certificate, and significant staff and volunteer support, the NTDC board turned to Leadership Tulsa and began partnership talks in fall of 2009.   Sharing many similarities in mission and structure, the two boards agreed to bring the NTDC program under the Leadership Tulsa umbrella and a memorandum of understanding was entered into by both boards in April 2010. 

Under the new agreement, NTDC will continue to address the need for educated, resourceful and committed leaders in the community.   It complements the existing Leadership Tulsa program by focusing on a single area of high priority for our city and offering additional opportunities for grassroots leadership development.

Applications are now being sought for Class 2 of the North Tulsa Development Council leadership program.   There is a $150 fee to participate in the program and applications are due by June 15, 2010.  Interested applicants can find more at www.leadershiptulsa.org or by calling 477-7079.

Apr 8, 2010

LT to Stand Against Racism April 30

Leadership Tulsa will participate with the YWCA "Stand Against Racism Event" on April 30, 2010 with a special bonus Leadership Lunch program featuring an update on the John Hope Franklin Center for Reconciliation project.   The event will be held at the BS Roberts Room at the OSU Tulsa campus from 11:30 - 1 pm.  Reservations are required and normal Leadership Lunch charges apply.  

Participants will be invited to join with tens of thousands of participants across the country to take a Pledge Against Racism as part of the special event activities.