Nov 12, 2009

Participate in a Survey for Downtown's Housing Needs!


Your input is needed! An online survey is now available that considers Tulsa's Downtown Housing Needs. The survey is being conducted as part of a study for the Tulsa Economic Development Commission.


The study will be used as a tool to attract urban housing developers to the community. It will also serve as supporting evidence of need for proposed projects. The online survey is key to data collection for the study, and will be available through November 23.


Your input is critical to the accuracy and success of the study. To participate, go to  At the website, please complete the web-based survey and then click submit. A telephone survey will also be conducted through November.


Tulsa's Economic Development Commission determined that a survey of downtown housing was among the greatest current downtown development needs, and decided to commission the survey at the Fall 2008 retreat. Downtown urban neighborhoods that will be the focus of the study include: Brady Heights/OSU, Owen Park/Crosby Heights, Riverview/Uptown, Central Park and the Urban Core.


Nov 5, 2009

Smash Up was a Smash Hit

SmashUp was a Smash Hit

On Tuesday, Nov 3, there was a standing room only crowd at the Jewel on Brookeside for the Mayoral SmashUp.  Hundreds attended the live event and thousands others followed via twitter, live web feed at the News On 6, and on KRMG talk radio.   Questions ranged from the serious to the tongue in cheek.  You can listen to the broadcast at this link.  Or read the Tulsa World Story about the event here.


Wendy Thomas, Executive Director

Nov 4, 2009

Discover your Strengths

Adam Seaman, past president of Leadership Tulsa and the author of the Positive Leadership Model used in the LT Flagship program will host a limited attendance workshop designed to help you leverage your strengths for powerful personal and professional development.

Learn the anatomy of a strength, discover your unique combination of strengths and how to leverage them for maximum impact, and put them to work immediately in a series of interactive exercises.

The workshop will be held on December 2 from 7:30 - 10:30 am at the OU-Tulsa Schusterman campus at 41st & Yale.  Deadline for registration is Wednesday November 25.   $50 Dues paying members/$60 all others.  Get your Registration Form Here. 

Each participant will receive: Strengthsfinder 2.0 by Tom Rath and the related online StrengthsFinder assessment.

Wendy Thomas, Executive Director